Monday, May 19, 2008

Mashups - Week 10

Harmony -
Here is my example of Mashups.

Above is a photo of mine of when I met my idol, vocalist of the Babys and solo and Bad English, backstage in a New York venue after his solo acoustic show last year on my U.S. holidays.

Above is the same type of 'motivator' screen Mashup, this time on the theme of this blog, these are some stompboxes I used at church in an effects board.
Big huge labs is such a fantastic site and tool, and it's FREE! There are many ways we could use this technology to help with our library fliers and websites.

Reverb- Also, I looked at the 'public library finder' from North America on "Libraries" and found the Santa Monica Public library that I visited on my USA holiday last July, and viewed it in Satellite and hybrid form. I thought it was an excellent new library, looking at cities like this brings back great memories, I even used Google maps yesterday to finally look up the satellite photo of my home in Sydney. It's fantastic technology.

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