Thursday, February 28, 2008

FX- Effects Rule!

Each Week I'll put my thoughts into sections. These include:
DISTORTION- things I might be a bit FUZZY on. Thoughts that are unclear, noise that interupts. Not necessarily problems, to me distortion is a fantastic sound,
CHORUS- What am I thinking everyone else is thinking, what is the vibe I'm hearing.
REVERB- What are some repercussions, longer range forecasts.
DELAY- Self explanitory.
HARMONY- Am I in agreement or am I off tune?

You get the general idea. Now I've tuned up, let's play!!

We'll Make Beautiful Music Together

Well here we are. Technology doesn't suck. It sings. Each week on this journey we are creating a new melody. This blog just is a vehicle to tell you my thoughts, things I know think due to my experience. So is a song's lyrics if you think about it. And to make it a great song, in my opinion anyway, you need to add some guitar with guitar effects. Well that's my theme and I'm sticking with it, however tenuous the links may be.
Lets turn on the amplifier and crank it up!!!